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Life is unpredictable, but your financial future doesn’t have to be. 

At Lorenz Wealth Management, we believe that success comes when you engage regularly to adapt your plan as life unfolds. Our process helps you make financial decisions with confidence that are always relevant to your current circumstances and expectations.

Our Team

We pride ourselves in offering sound, honest, financial advice based on education, knowledge and experience.

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Our Process

Whatever your stage in life, we can help you feel financially assured with a variety of financial products and services to meet your specific needs.

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Our Team

We strive to exceed our clients' expectations every day.

While our efforts are always focused on helping our clients achieve their objectives, our ultimate goal is for them to surpass them. After all, they are  investing time, money and energy into working with us, and we want to make sure they are getting maximum value out of our relationship. Throughout our time together, we are devoted to helping our clients get closer to where they want to be. Along the way, we take great pride in building long-term relationships that are based on trust.

Our actions are driven by trust, reliability, empathy, prudence, and innovation.

We are committed to contributing positively to the quality of our clients’ lives, and their financial future. With respect and confidentiality, we will give priority to your goals and concerns and work exclusively for your benefit.

Our Fit Process

A proper fit is important for everyone. When we meet with someone for the first time, we have a detailed process to ensure that it is a good 'fit' for both sides.

For more information about our Fit Process, please contact us using the button below.

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Darren Lorenz Photo Darren Lorenz Hover Photo

Darren Lorenz

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Darren Lorenz  BBA, CIM®, CFP®

senior financial advisor, portfolio manager
Manulife Wealth Inc.

Independent Insurance Representative

Darren Lorenz is a Senior Financial Advisor and Portfolio Manager with Lorenz Wealth Management, located in Vancouver, BC. 

Since 2000, Darren has taken great pride in helping professionals and business owners achieve their personal and financial goals through prudent wealth management and sound financial planning.

Darren earned his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) in 2001.  He also holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation and the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation.  

These programs and others have given Darren an extensive knowledge base to handle even the most complex financial issues.

Darren is also a member in good standing of the Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC).  

Outside of work, Darren enjoys traveling, playing and coaching hockey, and spending time with his wife Jennifer, daughter Olivia, and son Callum.

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
~ Lewis Carroll ~
Jennifer Lorenz Photo Jennifer Lorenz Hover Photo

Jennifer Lorenz

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Jennifer Lorenz

Administrative Assistant

Before joining her husband Darren at Lorenz Wealth Management in 2019, Jennifer worked as an Account Executive for a local food service sales and marketing company in Burnaby.  Jennifer’s focus on solution-based selling and customer service allowed her to build strong relationships and was a trusted consultant amongst her clients.  

In her new role with Lorenz Wealth Management,  Jennifer will support Darren with operations behind the scenes and assist him in providing an exemplary customer service experience to our valued clients. 

Our Process

Developed and refined to ensure every piece of your financial puzzle is in place.

We believe in and practice comprehensive wealth management because we know it is the best approach to ensuring your financial affairs are looked after. Your life is constantly changing and so must your plan to ensure you are always on track to meet your personal and financial goals.

The PI Formula is the cornerstone of our wealth management practice, a dynamic proprietary process designed to help you achieve financial security and get you on your Path to Independence. It focuses on the “Three D’s”:

  • Discovery:  What is important to you?
  • Design:  How do we get you there?
  • Deploy:  Putting all the pieces of the puzzle in place

The PI Formula consists of three distinct and equally important parts:  Financial Planning, Wealth Management, and Collaboration with your professional partners.

Financial Planning

We take great pride in helping our clients with all aspects of their wealth needs including investment management, insurance, and tax planning so that they can sleep well at night. The first step in the financial planning process is understanding your current situation. We then identify your goals and objectives and then create a plan of action. After the plan is implemented, we review it on a regular basis and update as needed. Our goal is to ensure you are always on track to accomplishing the things in life that matter most to you.

Six Step Financial Planning Process

STEP 1: Establishing and defining the client-advisor relationship

Your financial advisor explains or documents the services to be provided and defines their responsibilities along with the responsibilities of the client. The advisor and client should agree on how long the relationship will last and on how decisions will be made.

STEP 2: Gathering client data and determining goals and expectations

The financial advisor asks about the client's financial situation, personal and financial goals and attitude about risk. The advisor gathers all necessary documents at this stage before giving advice.

STEP 3: Analyzing and evaluating the client's financial status

The financial advisor analyzes client information to assess his or her current situation to determine what must be done to achieve the client's goals. Depending on the services requested, this assessment could include analyzing the client's assets, liabilities and cash flow, current insurance coverage, investments or tax strategies.

STEP 4: Developing and presenting the financial strategy recommendations and/or alternatives

The financial advisor offers recommendations that address the client's goals, based on the information the client provided. The advisor reviews the recommendations with the client to allow the client to make informed decisions. The advisor listens to client concerns and revises recommendations as appropriate.

STEP 5: Implementing the financial strategy recommendations

The financial advisor and client agree on how recommendations will be carried out. The advisor may carry out the recommendations for the client or serve as a "coach", coordinating the process with the client and other professionals such as attorneys or stockbrokers.

STEP 6: Monitoring the financial strategy recommendations

The client and financial advisor agree upon who will monitor the client's progress toward goals. If the advisor is involved, they should report to the client periodically to review the situation and adjust recommendations as needed.

Wealth Management

Managing your investments gets complicated over time. As your wealth grows, financial decisions become increasingly important and need to be made more frequently. More time and effort are required to ensure your investments are managed properly to maximize returns and minimize taxes. This is especially crucial during uncertain times and volatile market cycles. Our goal is to give you peace of mind by putting your investing decisions in professional hands.

Your Portfolio Manager

Darren has committed significant time and effort to become a Portfolio Manager. It’s a title reserved for a select group of investment professionals. It requires advanced investment qualifications, professional development and extensive experience advising clients. With significant investing expertise, advanced credentials and a network of professional resources, Darren is uniquely qualified to manage your wealth.


The Wealth Management Process

Enjoy life while your personal Portfolio Manager oversees every detail of your investment strategy.


Your Portfolio Manager follows a comprehensive framework to create, manage and continually assess your investment strategy to ensure it meets your personal circumstances and financial goals.


For a personal investment strategy to be successful, it needs to focus on where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. With an understanding of your life priorities, personal goals and future plans, your Portfolio Manager has an important building block to develop and manage your strategy. Your Portfolio Manager combines knowledge of who you are and what’s important to you with a well-informed view of the global market landscape to construct a tailored investment strategy.

Confirm direction

The Investment Policy Statement is the blueprint for your investment strategy. It guides the decisions your Portfolio Manager makes on your behalf by detailing important information about your financial needs, investment objectives and any special investing preferences. 

How your assets are allocated between the three main asset categories – equity, fixed income and cash investments – is one of the most important factors in managing your investment risk and return. Your Portfolio Manager uses the criteria described in your Investment Policy Statement to allocate your assets effectively.


Your Portfolio Manager selects from a range of suitable investments, from traditional choices to alternative opportunities, to execute your personal strategy. Your Portfolio Manager stays informed on investments in your portfolio, developments in domestic and world markets, as well as your personal circumstances. With this information, your Portfolio Manager can act quickly to adjust your portfolio to manage risk or capitalize on new investment opportunities. 

New investments under consideration for your portfolio are thoroughly evaluated to ensure they meet the parameters in your Investment Policy Statement and follow the quality and diversification rules established by Manulife Wealth Inc..


Your portfolio receives ongoing monitoring at multiple levels. You can be confident it’s managed to high standards of integrity, ethics and professionalism.

  • Your Investment Policy Statement guides your Portfolio Manager’s activities
  • A Registered Supervising Portfolio Manager oversees the investment activities of all Portfolio Managers
  • Independent compliance officers review your portfolio quarterly to ensure your investments remain suitable for you 
  • The Advisor Managed Program Managed Accounts Committee – comprised of key  individuals in senior management positions – is responsible for overall governance

Your Portfolio Manager also uses industry-leading technology and analytical tools to evaluate investments, markets and opportunities to ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your objectives.

Stay informed

Your account information is always close at hand. Online account access and regular statements keep you informed on all activity your Portfolio Manager undertakes on your behalf. You can stay informed about your account with these resources:

  • Any-time online access to your portfolio details
  • Regular account statements that show your portfolio’s market value, trading activity and value of each investment
  • Additional reports available through your Portfolio Manager, offering further insights and analysis on your investments

Expertise guides your investment decisions

Contact us to get started


We work in concert with your other professional partners, such as your lawyer and accountant, who also play an important role in helping you achieve your wealth and lifestyle goals. We believe it is critically important that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals – the ones that are most important to you.

Everything we do is driven by our process, set to sync with your future pace as your life and needs unfold.

Our Clients

While many of our clients are employed in the medical field, we do not limit ourselves to working exclusively within the healthcare sector.  It is more important that the advisor client relationship is a fit for both parties.  Here to further explain are answers to a few questions we are commonly asked.

What type of clients do you work with?

We have learned that we cannot be all things to all people, nor do we want or expect to be. We focus on a very specific FIT process that allows us to serve those clients for whom we are most suited.  We work best with individuals who are proactive about planning for their financial future, are genuinely looking for professional guidance, and are committed to working exclusively with one advisor. It is equally important they are fully engaged in the process of achieving their financial and lifestyle goals – this means offering full disclosure and answering all of our questions honestly and to the best of their ability.

Do you have a minimum account size? 

Typically, our investment philosophy and approach is best-suited to individuals who have $500,000+ of investible assets. However, it’s not a hard and fast rule and sometimes the circumstances of an individual are such that they are exactly the kind of client we are able to help. Despite how much money they have, it’s also important they understand and believe in our style of investment management. And, quite honestly, attitude is often more important than the amount of money. 

What is your wealth management philosophy?

We believe in Comprehensive Wealth Management.  Our process integrates wealth management with risk and debt management, income and tax planning and philanthropy.  Each plan is unique.  We spend time to understand and discover what your individual goals and desires are.  We then design a customized program tailored to those needs, and through our proprietary process we are able to deploy your individual plan. Through constant adjustment and monitoring of critical life and financial events, we keep your plan on track.

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From the Government of Canada: Benefits to help Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Government of Canada

For more information on the Government of Canada, visit www.canada.ca - The official website of the Government of Canada

My Service Canada Account

Apply, view and update your Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) and Old Age Security (OAS).

Sign in to My Service account ↗

CRA My Account

My Account is a secure portal that lets you view your personal income tax and benefit information and manage your tax affairs online.

Sign in to CRA My Account ↗

CRA My Business Account

My Business Account is a secure online portal that provides an opportunity to interact electronically with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on various business accounts.

Sign in to My Business account ↗

*Some of the content through these links may be subject to the copyright of another party. Where information has been produced or copyright is not held by the Government of Canada, the materials are protected under the Copyright Act, and international agreements. Information posted by the Government of Canada is subject to the Copyright Act.



Built on the most precise calculation engine in the financial planning market, NaviPlan® empowers you to tailor every planning strategy from simple goal-based assessments to advanced cash flow planning analysis. Generate a custom report, and email it to us to start customizing your plan today!

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Naviplan Retirement Tool

Retirement Assessment

No matter how you envision your retirement, the best way to make it a reality is to develop a plan and stick to it. We can help.

Use the Retirement tool ↗

Naviplan Major Purchase Tool

Major Purchase Assessment

Planning details for your projected major purchases will help estimate the cost and the amount of savings you will need.

Use the Major Purchase tool ↗

Naviplan Education Tool

Education Assessment

Do your homework. How will you ensure that you or your children can continue to focus on school rather than how to pay for it? 

Use the Education tool ↗


We are here to help. Contact us to help explain your results and what they mean for your situation.

*These calculators are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as an accurate indication of your financial retirement needs. As each individual’s situation is different and changes over time, the results are limited by the accuracy of the assumptions you make in providing the information used in the calculation. I (we) do not guarantee that these calculators are reliable, accurate or complete or that they will be compatible with your computer.

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